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College of Sciences

Childhood Dream Leads Alum to Political Science Ph.D.

Jason Christensen, Ph.D., distinctly remembers fear and tragedy during the catastrophic events of 9/11. That morning, he also remembers his resolve to protect people and pursue a career in national security. “Even then as a child I realized any day could be a 9/11,” said Christensen. “I knew that I wanted to do something, anything,…

Research: Pandemic Threatens to Widen Pre-Existing Academia Inequities

New research argues the pandemic will widen pre-existing inequities in the academic community if preventative measures aren’t taken. The 17 authors of “In the wake of COVID-19, academia needs new solutions to ensure gender equity,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, say it’s not enough to provide a one-size-fits-all solution to relaxing tenure…

Political Science Alum Sees Change Coming in Fight for Equality

I really believe we are witnessing the early elements of a political revolution. When I took Contemporary Revolution and Political Violence, I never thought I’d actually witness or play a role in one. One thing I learned in that class was that a sharp reversal of economic fortune and widespread frustration with the socio-political situation…

Today is World Sea Turtle Day – UCF Experts Celebrate

The group is celebrating World Sea Turtle Day today by continuing his research legacy. This is the height of sea turtle nesting season and more than 6,000 sea turtle nests have been counted by UCF on the Brevard County portion of the refuge since March with many more expected throughout the summer and early fall.…

Hydrophobic Polymers Focus of DURA Award Winner Research

A recent UCF College of Engineering graduate, Ezat El-Said ’20, earned the Distinguished Undergraduate Research Award for his work in self-healing polymers with biomedical applications. The polymers under study are hydrophobic and self-healing, with a dynamic variety of applications ranging from artificial skin grafts to metal coatings.  El-Said has been conducting his research in the…

Math Professor Inducted as Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Mathematics Professor Marianna Pensky, Ph.D., was recently inducted as a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. The IMS fosters development and innovation in the field of statistical sciences. Annually, a number of individuals from the 3,500 members worldwide are nominated and inducted as fellows to recognize their contribution to the scientific community. “My life’s…

Fulbright Fellowship Sends Grad Student to France for Space Research

Department of Physics graduate student Joshua Forer is headed to Bordeaux, France, to conduct research, courtesy of the prestigious Fulbright Fellowship. The fellowship will span ten months and allow Forer to work with research scientists at the University of Bordeaux. Forer’s research focuses on carbon-hydrogen molecules and their role in planetary atmospheres and interstellar mediums.…

Lou Frey Institute Launches Series Addressing Government Actions During Pandemic

The Lou Frey Institute is adding to the national conversation on pandemic liberties through a series of one-page conversation starters for K-12 teachers. Called “Civics in Real Life”, the series provides a historical and civics-based lens on current events, including the distinction between the power of states and federal government; the Defense Production Act; and the First Amendment. The…

UCF’s Butterfly-Inspired Nanotech Makes Natural-Looking Pictures on Digital Screens

UCF researchers have created new technology to display color that uses nanoscale structures inspired by butterflies and other animals. Taking inspiration from nature’s nanotech that creates the stunning color of butterfly wings, a University of Central Florida researcher is creating technology to make extremely low-power, ultra-high-definition displays and screens that are easier on the eyes.…

Inching Closer to Molecular Circuitry: International Team Breaks One-Diode-One Resistor Electronics Puzzle

UCF Physics Professor Enrique del Barco’s area of expertise includes: fundamental low-temperature magnetic and transport properties of low-dimensional systems, including molecular nanomagnets, magnetic nanostructures and graphene and its 2D crystal relatives. An international team with ties to UCF has cracked a challenge that could herald a new era of ultra-high-density computing. For years engineers and…

Faculty Members Recognized for Commitment to Undergraduate Research

Three faculty members were honored recently for their exceptional efforts to create an enriching and supportive undergraduate research experience for students. Valerie Sims, an associate professor of psychology and Michael Rovito, an assistant professor of health sciences, were honored with the 2020 Champion of Undergraduate Research Award. Chase Mason, an assistant professor of biology, was…

Grant Opens Opportunity for K-12 Teachers to Learn Utility of Drones

Timothy Hawthorne, Ph.D, and his team at Citizen Science GIS in the Department of Sociology have received a $36,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support the inclusion of two K-12 teachers into their U.S. Pacific Coast eelgrass drone work. This will supplement the $1.3 million collaborative grant awarded to the UCF team…

Passion for Teaching, Political Science, Leads Grad to Principal Role

Jordan Filderman, ’09, M.A.’11, always knew his purpose was to make a positive difference in the lives of others. As the principal of Hebbville Elementary, Filderman uses education as his vehicle to serve underrepresented and underprivileged students in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. “My personal philosophy is that every child deserves an equal and quality…

UCF Study Finds Microplastics in Florida’s Birds of Prey for First Time

A new study from the University of Central Florida has confirmed and quantified, for the first time, the presence of microplastics in terrestrial and aquatic birds of prey in Florida, including hawks, osprey, and owls. Microplastics are small plastic pieces – less than the size of a pencil tip – that come from larger pieces…

UCF-Led Study Will Examine COVID-19 Communication’s Impact on STEM Education

University of Central Florida researchers are working with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in a National Science Foundation-funded project to understand the effects of COVID-19 crisis communication on undergraduate STEM education. The researchers will examine crisis communication messages from randomly selected universities across the country and see how those messages affected teaching and learning experiences of faculty…