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College of Engineering and Computer Science

New Bachelor’s Degree in Materials Science and Engineering to Begin in Fall

Undergraduate engineering students have a new degree option at the University of Central Florida with the addition of a bachelor’s degree program in materials science and engineering, a field that combines engineering, physics and chemistry to design and manufacture materials that all other engineering fields require. UCF is one of only two universities in the state…

UCF Scientists Seek Novel Material to Kill COVID-19

Masks that protect doctors and nurses from COVID-19 only block the virus before it reaches their faces, but UCF researchers are working to create a protective coating that would include a novel mask material that would catch the virus and kill it within seconds. Sudipta Seal, an engineer specializing in material science and nanotechnology, initiated this project…

UCF Hosts Virtual Training Camp for North America’s Elite Computing Students

To help prepare North America’s elite students for world-level competition in computer programming, UCF is hosting a multi-session online training camp this week conducted by trainers from top universities and industry. “These students must continue to have the opportunity to hone their skills, which will benefit not only their futures but also the companies, government agencies and universities that will hire them.” — Beverly Seay The inaugural…

UCF’s Aerospace Engineering Graduate Program Ranks No. 53 Nationally in its First Year Offering Ph.D.

All engineering graduate programs at the University of Central Florida eligible for ranking have retained their top 100 spots in U.S. News & World Report’s recently-published Best Graduate Schools 2021 guide. Also, UCF’s aerospace engineering program debuted in the rankings at No. 53 in less than one year after UCF launched its aerospace engineering doctoral program. The…

Reach for the Stars Award Recipients Changing the World

The 2020 UCF Reach for the Stars recipients have conducted research that may change the world we know. From supersonic engines that may someday let us travel from New York to Los Angeles in 30 minutes to protecting our waterways, exploring the new world of attoscience and making education accessible to those with disabilities, they…

Meet the 2020 Pegasus Professors

This year’s Pegasus Professors are world renowned researchers and respected teachers, certainly deserving of the university’s top award for faculty. During an entire career at UCF, faculty who are exceptional in every area — teaching, research and service — are recognized for their work. These awards are determined by the president, and recipients receive a…

UCF-Developed Method Makes Lithium Batteries Safer at Extreme Temperatures

AUniversity of Central Florida researcher and his team have developed a new manufacturing method to improve lithium batteries and allow them to work safely at extreme temperatures that range from -4 to 104 degrees. The method was published recently in a study in the journal Advanced Energy Materials. The work is a continuation of research by UCF nanoscientist Yang Yang…

Engineering Faculty Member Receives $5,000 Award for Creating iUX Academy

Pamela Wisniewski, an assistant professor in UCF’s Department of Computer Science, received the Spring 2020 Marchioli Collective Impact Innovation Award for her idea to create the university’s industry-focused User Experience Academy. The iUX Academy is an integrative learning initiative that provides students real-world practice in User Experience, or UX, through partnerships with local industry. “I…

Making A Difference: Protecting the Aquatic Ecosystem

Kelly Kibler spends a good deal of time in the classroom and her lab at UCF, but it’s not unusual to see her with her feet in the mud of local waterways or driving a boat. For the assistant professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, those days usually start very early after she…

Mythbusters Inspires Engineering Student to Conduct Research

Amy Lebanoff, a mechanical engineering student at UCF, has the TV show Mythbusters to thank for her passion for engineering and biology. She always admired the Discovery Channel program because the hosts make science engaging, educational and accessible. “That’s a sure-fire recipe for making a positive impact,” says Lebanoff, a Jacksonville native. When she joined a robotics club at…

UCF Researcher Aims to Improve Lives of Foster Teens

. The awards are piling up for UCF McKnight Fellow Karla Badillo-Urquiola ’14 ’15MS who in the past two months has been named a McKnight Award winner and an Order of Pegasus Award recipient. Badillo-Urquiola, a doctoral candidate in modeling and simulation, is committed to academic excellence, diversifying the STEM field and making an impact in her community. Badillo-Urquiola’s research…

UCF Researcher’s Novel Nanoparticles Show Promise in Healing Diabetic Wounds

A University of Central Florida researcher’s novel work in nanoscale antioxidants is continuing to show promise in the medical field, with a new study that shows their effectiveness in helping to heal diabetic wounds. The study, published recently in the journal Acta Biomaterialia, showed that gels containing cerium oxide nanoparticles, whose therapeutic properties were discovered by UCF,…

UCF Celebrates 1st Anniversary of Lockheed Martin Cyber Innovation Lab

In the year since the Lockheed Martin Cyber Innovation Lab opened its doors on UCF’s main campus, hundreds of students from multiple majors and disciplines have benefitted from the space dedicated to strengthening the pipeline of cyber workforce talent, addressing a critical need locally and nationally. There are more than 13,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in…

UCF Researchers Develop Device That Mimics Brain Cells Used for Human Vision

University of Central Florida researchers are helping to close the gap separating human and machine minds. In a study featured as the cover article appearing today in the journal Science Advances, a UCF research team showed that by combining two promising nanomaterials into a new superstructure, they could create a nanoscale device that mimics the neural…

Acclaimed Computer Scientist and Virtual Reality Pioneer Joins UCF Faculty

A computer scientist known worldwide for creating the CAVE system, a fully immersive virtual reality environment within a room-sized cube, has joined the faculty of the University of Central Florida. Carolina Cruz-Neira, based in the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science, is a pioneer in the areas of virtual reality and interactive visualization, having created…

Student Research: Working to Mitigate Sexual Dangers for Teens Online

Afsaneh Razi is working to develop software that will help keep teens safe from sexual propositions online. She conducts her work in the Socio-Technical Interaction Research (STIR) Lab at the University of Central Florida. Her area of interest is at the intersection of human-computer interaction and machine learning, and she seeks to understand how new…

How this UCF Alum Paid Off $31,679.87 of Student Loans in 6 Months

Juan Diego Vila ’19 waited five days before he celebrated erasing his student loans. Any time he had made a payment during the previous six months, there was always a delay to the account balance, and he needed to see zeroes before allowing himself to relish the moment. “I have been paycheck to paycheck my entire…