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The University of Central Florida brings innovation and solutions to some of society’s most pressing problems through research and the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge and avenues for progress.

Reach for the Stars Award Recipients Changing the World

The 2020 UCF Reach for the Stars recipients have conducted research that may change the world we know. From supersonic engines that may someday let us travel from New York to Los Angeles in 30 minutes to protecting our waterways, exploring the new world of attoscience and making education accessible to those with disabilities, they…

UCF-Developed Method Makes Lithium Batteries Safer at Extreme Temperatures

AUniversity of Central Florida researcher and his team have developed a new manufacturing method to improve lithium batteries and allow them to work safely at extreme temperatures that range from -4 to 104 degrees. The method was published recently in a study in the journal Advanced Energy Materials. The work is a continuation of research by UCF nanoscientist Yang Yang…

UCF Lands $7.5 Million in Grants from Federal Agency

The University of Central Florida is the only university in Florida to be awarded federal 2020 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative grants – and it snagged three of them. The Department of Defense announced the recipients of the 26 awards. For UCF, that means more than $7.5 million over the next five years. Two professors will…

Forensic Scientists Harness Pollen Power to Fight Crime

Pollen gets a bad rap this time of year for its allergy-induced itchy eyes and sniffles. But researchers at the National Center for Forensic Science are harnessing its crime-fighting power. That fine, grainy powder staining your windshield yellow holds a wealth of genetic information about its plant origin. Mapping out a precise DNA picture falls…

For UCF Faculty: Consider How Coronavirus Could Affect Your Research

From Elizabeth Klonoff, Vice President for Research and Dean of the College of Graduate Studies Colleagues: The news is flooded with updates about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and we want to assure you we are continuing to monitor the situation. For the latest information and instructions visit UCF’s website dedicated to this issue.…

UCF School of Social Work Awards Seed Grants for Interdisciplinary Research

The UCF School of Social Work is committed to providing essential and unique research to health and mental health fields through the school’s  Center for Behavioral Health Research and Training  (CBHRT) research grants. Recently, four interdisciplinary research teams from Nursing, Population Health Sciences, Physical Therapy, Health Sciences and Social Work received seed grant funding of…

Making A Difference: Protecting the Aquatic Ecosystem

Kelly Kibler spends a good deal of time in the classroom and her lab at UCF, but it’s not unusual to see her with her feet in the mud of local waterways or driving a boat. For the assistant professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, those days usually start very early after she…

Student Researcher Developing VR to Help Students Tour Graduate Schools

Isaiah Morales is developing a virtual reality application that would allow students strapped for cash to explore graduate schools around the world, without ever having to leave their hometowns. Because VR isn’t widely used beyond the entertainment industry, Morales decided to research ways it could be used to help open opportunities to underrepresented groups such…

UCF Study: Sea Level Rise Impacts to Canaveral Sea Turtle Nests Will Be Substantial

Sea level rise and hurricanes are a threat to sea turtle nesting habitat along national seashores in the Southeast, but a new study predicts the greatest impact on turtles will be at Canaveral National Seashore. The University of Central Florida-led study, which was published recently in the journal Ecological Applications, examined loggerhead and green sea turtle nests to…

Scientific Research Takes Flight With Purple Martin Project

Anew study exploring nesting preferences of North America’s largest swallow is giving students hands-on experience in scientific methods. The Purple Martin Project, led by a Department of Biology  Research Scientistnna Forsman, aims to attract the bird using strategically placed nests around UCF’s main campus. Students from Forsman’s biology courses and the Wild Symbioses Lab worked diligently to place 12…

UCF Broken Hearts Research Featured on Spectrum News

Is it really possible to die of a broken heart? Research says yes. Broken heart syndrome is a weakening of the left ventricle that is usually brought on by severe emotional stress, usually from the loss of a loved one or a catastrophic event. Cardiovascular researcher at the Burnett School of Biomedical Science FDr. Stephen…

Women, Men Taste Fat Differently, UCF Research Finds

UCF College of Medicine researchers have discovered that female sex hormones make women more sensitive to the taste of fat, helping them better regulate how much of it they eat. “Our assumption is that the more you can taste it, the more sensitive you are to it,” said Naima Dahir, a Ph.D. candidate at the…

UCF Med Students Keep the FIRE of Discovery Burning

Can unplanned cesarean sections cause depression in new moms? Can art therapy improve wellness in Alzheimer’s patients?  Can a modified stethoscope help patients monitor their brain activity at home? These were some of the questions explored at the UCF  College of Medicine’s 11th annual FIRE (Focused Inquiry and Research Experience) conference Feb. 20. The event…

Residents Teach, Learn Through Research

Dr. Manny Carrazana’s patient was a neck cancer survivor who came to the Emergency Room complaining of neck and back pain. Physicians suspected his cancer had returned. But diseases don’t play by the rules and rounds of imaging studies found no cancer. It wasn’t until doctors used a bronchial scope that they found a tumor…

Health Sciences Professor Helping Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Jeanette Garcia, an assistant professor in the Department of Health Sciences, is leading studies to better understand the behavior of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and help change their lives. “People tend to underestimate kids with autism spectrum disorder,” she says. “[They] can do everything a typically developing kid can do, they might just…

UCF Aphasia House Named Southeast Research Hub for Patient-Centered Outcomes Project

UCF Aphasia House  has been selected as one of four aphasia research incubator hubs throughout the country, representing the southeast region. The opportunity comes as a result of a collaboration between  Aphasia House and  Jackie Hinckley, associate professor at Nova Southeastern University, who recently received a $247,822 grant from Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, an…