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Student Success

The University of Central Florida awards more than 18,000 degrees annually — the most among Florida public universities and among the most nationally — and strives to set the pace for advancing student success in higher education.

UCF Medical Student Says Doctors Must Be Healers and Community Leaders

Lake Lindo ’19 grew up minutes from the UCF College of Medicine campus where he now studies, inspired by his physician mother who provides psychiatric care to the community’s children. Today, in his third year of medical school, he has taken that inspiration, a love of science, and his community service to lead efforts to make…

UCF Nursing’s First Postdoctoral Fellow Awarded National Funding

Nursing PhD alumna Suzanne Hyer is passionate about health promotion – to positively influence people’s health knowledge and behavior. Now as the UCF College of Nursing’s first postdoctoral fellow, Hyer is able to extend her passion and make a greater impact by advancing her research. Hyer recently received the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service…

Graduate Student Chosen For Spotlight In LIA Today

Ricardo Bustos Ramirez, Ph.D., was selected recently for the student spotlight in LIA Today. The feature in the November/December 2021 issue includes an interview with Ramirez. Click here to view the original article. (Reprinted with permission.) When you were you first introduced to photonics/electro-optics? “I was introduced by a friend from college who was doing a MSc…

Student Nurses’ Association at UCF Orlando Earns Top Honor for the Seventh Time – and More

The Florida Nursing Student Association (FNSA) recently awarded the Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) at the University of Central Florida Orlando a 2022 Diamond Chapter Award – the highest recognition in the state for a student nurses’ association chapter. This is the seventh time the UCF Orlando chapter has received the prestigious award since 2014. The Diamond Chapter…

UCF’s new PhD in Kinesiology Advances Science of Human Movement and Trains Future Researchers and Educators

UCF’s new Kinesiology Ph.D. degree program will prepare students for careers as clinical researchers, sports scientists, university professors, and professional leaders in one of the nation’s fastest growing fields. Approved by the Florida Board of Governors in November 2021, UCF will begin offering the new doctoral degree program in Fall 2022. The new program in kinesiology explores…

UCF Joins Transfer Student Success and Equity Intensive

The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) selected UCF as part of its new Transfer Student Success and Equity Intensive. The inaugural cohortsinclude 30 institutional teams comprised of two-year and four-year institutions. The purpose of the collaboration is to ensure students from communities disproportionately impacted by…

UCF Education Student 1 of 15 in the Nation Selected for NSF CADRE Fellowship

Shalece Kohnke, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in exceptional education, is one of 15 scholars nationwide named a 2022 DRK-12 (Discovery Research PreK-13) U.S. National Science Foundation CADRE Fellow. The Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE) fellowship program, funded by the NSF, provides professional growth opportunities for students whose work focuses on diversity,…

International Optics Leader Opens Application Lab in CREOL, Joins UCF Business Incubation Program

Aunique new academic-industrial alliance between UCF and ficonTEC, a global leader in photonics manufacturing, is expected to bring a boost to the region and provide access to sophisticated industry production tools for students and faculty researchers. ficonTEC, a German-based company with locations in Europe and the Far East, is expanding to Central Florida — joining UCF’s…

Paige Borden Appointed to AGB Council for Student Success

UCF’s Paige Borden ’95MBA ’00EdD has joined a new Council for Student Success of the Association of Governing Boards and Colleges (AGB) launched to provide higher education boards with insights and strategies to boost student outcomes. Borden, who President Alexander N. Cartwright recently promoted to chief analytics officer at UCF, oversees the Division of Analytics and Integrated Planning. The…

UCF Alum Manages James Webb Space Telescope Program

Nearly a month after its launch on Christmas 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope reached its destination 1 million miles from Earth Monday. The observatory will provide insight into some of the earliest astronomical events in the universe. Named after the administrator of NASA from 1961-1968, the James Webb Space Telescope orbits the sun at…

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From the CFO: The Impact of HEERF on UCF

Beginning in March 2020, when COVID-19 was discovered in the United States, the federal government stepped up to help colleges and universities make significant pivots in their operations to protect the health of their campus communities and continue helping students achieve their academic goals. The Higher Education Emergency Relief Act (HEERF) has provided institutions throughout…

UCF Student Nanotech Team Designs Space Suit Material for NASA Competition

Agroup of six University of Central Florida students and alums from a range of fields designed and won the Best Technical Poster award as finalists in NASA’s recent Lunar Dust Challenge. They received the honor after NASA’s 2021 Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-Changing (BIG) Idea Challenge Virtual Forum in November 2021. As part of NASA’s BIG…

Improving Military Vehicles is the Target for Retired Army Officer Pursuing Ph.D.

Robert Grimming, a full-time graduate student studying under Professor Ron Driggers, Ph.D., earned his degree in electrical engineering from West Point Military Academy prior to attending UCF. Grimming spent time working multiple positions in the Army, including logistics, explosive ordnance disposal and nuclear operations. One of his proudest moments was becoming an assistant professor at…

UCF-HCA Psychiatry Residents Match into Top Fellowships

Three UCF-HCA Healthcare psychiatry residents recently matched into some of the nation’s top sub-specialty programs. The three physicians care for patients at the Orlando VA and Osceola Regional Medical Centers. Dhara Shah, a member of UCF’s inaugural class of psychiatry residents, matched at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston for a consultation-liaison fellowship, a subspecialty that…

DPT Faculty, Students, and Alumni to Present at APTA Combined Sections Meeting

Students, alumni, and faculty members will represent the Division of Physical Therapy at the annual American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, which will be held February 2 – 5 in San Antonio, Texas. Here are all the UCF presentations that will take place during the conference: Thursday, February 3 8 a.m.– 10 a.m. Therapists’ and Students’ Experiences and…

Two Knights Awarded 2022 Foreign Affairs Fellowships

For the first time ever, two individuals with UCF affiliations have been awarded the Charles B. Rangel Graduate Fellowship and the Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship in the same year. These are both highly coveted fellowships that give the recipients the opportunity to work as a Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. Department of…