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Student Success

The University of Central Florida awards more than 18,000 degrees annually — the most among Florida public universities and among the most nationally — and strives to set the pace for advancing student success in higher education.

UCF’s Housing and Residence Life COVID-19 Safety Measures for Fall 2020

With on-campus move-in scheduled for Aug. 8, UCF Housing and Residence Life, student residents, and other university departments all play important roles in promoting good health and well-being on campus, while helping to mitigate risks related to the coronavirus. Throughout the semester, UCF will work with Orange County health experts and epidemiologists to update its response…

Graduating Senior Escaped a Civil War in Syria to Become a Scholar at UCF

Growing up in war-torn Syria, Suzanne Chaar saw first-hand the impact that medical professionals can have on a society. During the country’s civil war, she witnessed her father, a pharmacist, and her brother, then a medical student at the University of Aleppo, provide care for civilians impacted by the conflict. Chaar says she admired their…

Classes to Take at UCF for Learning More about Social Justice

As protests and demonstrations spread around the country in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, UCF students have the opportunity to enroll in a variety of courses that can help them better understand the calls for equality, reform and justice. These 13 courses are a sampling of what is offered at UCF this fall…

College of Sciences Celebrates Summer 2020 Ph.D. Grads

A doctorate degree represents one of the highest honors in academia. The 2020 Summer term’s Ph.D. graduates not only earned this honor, they did so with the extra stress of doing their work remotely. The College of Science recognizes and applauds the hard work applied to receive this degree. Chemistry Ziyang Huang, Ph.D.Faculty Advisor: Swadeshmukul…

Students Explore Program Evaluation through Podcasting

ElevateEvaluate is available on major podcast platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Podcasts are a growing trend both domestically and internationally. Many people have turned to podcasts as a source of entertainment and information as well as an outlet for sharing personal opinions and experiences. According to a 2019 report by Edison Research, for…

Renewed Funding Keeps ICCAE Inspiring Intelligence Students for Five More Years

UCF students pursuing careers in intelligence will continue to receive competitive advantages thanks to renewed federal funding for UCF’s Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (ICCAE). The five-year funding from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is particularly helpful for minority students, who are historically underrepresented in intelligence careers. ICCAE Director Tom Dolan…

Athletic Training Program Prepares Student for Success, Present and Future

Healthcare delivery is an ever growing and evolving practice. To best meet the needs of the active population, athletic training as a profession has made changes to how future athletic trainers are prepared to best meet the needs of patients. This includes requiring a master’s degree for all new ATs entering the profession. The UCF Athletic…

UCF Sets Another Fulbright Award Record

An 11th UCF graduate has been selected for a 2020 Fulbright award, setting the university’s new single-year record. Nine students were announced as recipients in May, tieing UCF’s previous record before an additional graduate was named last month to break the mark. Now joining the program is Aubri Cherub ’19, who has a bachelor’s degree in psychology…

MSW Alumna Overcomes Cancer During School and Achieves Her Goals

Jamie Younger ’17 ’18 MSW traveled a rocky road on her path to becoming a clinical social worker. But she says her experience battling cancer during her time in graduate school taught her that she can overcome any challenge that comes her way. Younger is now a student services coordinator at P.M. Wells Charter Academy…

New CSD Pilot Telehealth Clinical Instruction Initiative Keeps Students on Track for Graduation

A new clinical instruction initiative in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders is ensuring that students in the master’s program get the patient-contact hours they need for graduation. The school had to get creative with how to keep students tracking toward timely graduation since COVID-19 brought all face-to-face interactions to a halt. This spurred the faculty,…

Scholarship Created for UCF ‘Dreamers’

The UCF Dreamers DACA Scholarship was recently created by a UCF grad and volunteer who supports “Dreamers” — young immigrants living in the United States illegally who were brought here as children — in their pursuit of higher education. “DACA students deserve the same opportunities to pursue their dream careers as any other,” says the…

Championing the Career Changers: Six Nursing Students Awarded National Scholarship

UCF was one of the first 10 schools nationwide to receive funding from the Helene Fuld Health Trust, which is helping Second Degree BSN nursing students change careers to pursue their passion.  From a dolphin trainer to a marketing director, their prior careers are diverse. But now these six students have two things in common.   The undergraduate nursing students are returning to school to change careers…

Taking Steps to Support Our International Students

UCF is proud to be home to students, faculty and staff from more than 150 countries. The new federal guidance for international students has created uncertainty about the upcoming semester, on top of the financial and travel challenges already created by the pandemic. We are writing so that you know UCF is taking steps to…

Disney Executive to Address Summer 2020 Graduates

Disney executive George A. Kalogridis ’76 will address approximately 3,800 UCF graduates and their supporters during the university’s Summer 2020 Virtual Commencement August 1. Kalogridis serves as president of segment development and enrichment for Disney Parks Experiences and Products. In this role, he works to deepen the guest and cast experience at Disney destinations worldwide. Kalogridis began his career…

Tallahassee Internship Gives In-Depth Picture of Florida Politics

Jessica Caruso was unsure what she would find when she headed to Tallahassee this spring for a legislative internship, but that uncertainty quickly disappeared. Now with the experience as a UCF Legislative Scholar, Caruso has returned home more passionate about politics than ever before. “A lot of people worry that when they take on an…

NSCM Alumna Creates Positive Online Environment with New Venture

In a world that’s increasingly divided, the one thing everyone can agree on is the need for more unity. That’s the spark behind a new business venture by Sadie Higgins ‘06, an entrepreneur and alumna of the Nicholson School of Communication and Media. Higgins recently launched a website that allows users to create a virtual…

UCF to Add New BlendFlex Class Format

The Florida Board of Governors has approved UCF’s phased-in plan to reopen this fall, including a new hybrid-class format called BlendFlex. The new class strategy will include some face-to-face and online components, and has been added to the lineup of fully online and face-to-face classes. The BlendFlex delivery model is being developed to provide flexibility for shifting…

Degrees Launch Career of Service for 30 Under 30 Winners

Two alumni from the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs are recipients of the UCF 30 Under 30 Class of 2020 award. Kristina Merritt ’12 and Brandon Fair ’13 are being celebrated for their achievements and service in their respective careers. Merritt, a dual major in psychology and political science, uses her background from…

UCF College of Business Moves Executive and Professional Graduate Programs to Downtown Campus

Starting Fall 2020, UCF’s College of Business’ seven executive and professional graduate programs will be permanently located at UCF Downtown. The new campus offers a 21st Century learning environment including innovative technology and additional student amenities. The 15-acre campus is within walking distance to Orlando’s central business district providing students with easy access to job opportunities,…