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Amin Appointed Interim CIO


With Chief Information Officer Matthew Hall’s departure, I have asked Sheila Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres, dean of the Burnett Honors College, to lead UCF IT in the interim. Dean Amin will take on this role, in addition to her duties with the Honors College, effective November 16.

Under Matt’s leadership, the talented UCF IT team completed transformative projects that have enhanced our university’s services and operations. Dean Amin’s collaborative leadership, paired with her experience implementing systems and workflows to improve processes and customer service, will help us maintain our high-quality IT operation.

As we prepare to select a permanent leader for UCF IT, we will conduct a review of our IT structures and operations using external CIOs, as well as some UCF personnel. Dean Amin will coordinate this process, which I believe will set us up for long-term success as we prepare to welcome our next CIO. I anticipate a quick search.

I share my appreciation to Dean Amin for taking on this additional important responsibility, and I thank each of you for your commitment to student success and to our university’s goals.