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Annual Disclosures Due Sept. 13 on Outside Activity, Employment

All UCF faculty who are required to disclose annually about outside activity, employment and potential conflict of interest are receiving an individual e-mail today about completing the online form by Sept. 13.

The required disclosure – the Potential Outside Activity, Employment, and Conflict of Interest and Commitment Disclosure AA-21 – is emailed via a link at the start of each academic year.

Faculty who receive the individual email are required to report outside activities, financial interests and potential conflicts under applicable federal and state regulations as well as university regulations and policies. This process of disclosure for review and approval protects all of us from unknowingly violating the law. It also safeguards our credibility and reputations by providing a transparent system of disclosure, approval and documentation of outside engagements.

UCF Regulation 3.018 – Conflict of Interest or Commitment; Outside Activity or Employment – outlines our conflict of interest and commitment disclosure process, which complies with Florida laws and with federal laws regarding research.

Additional information and resources to assist with the reporting are available on the University Compliance and Ethics website. If you have questions, please email

Thank you for your help in meeting this important requirement.