Dear Colleagues:
Thank you for the compassion you have shown our students and one another in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. This message may feel like a contradiction of my request that you postpone assignments and due dates, and for this I apologize. But it is necessary.
Despite the disruptions and hardships from Hurricane Ian, UCF must meet its obligations to ensure academic integrity under Title IV and our institutional accreditor. What this means is that we must help students achieve the full extent of the learning outcomes associated with each course.
Fortunately, great flexibility is permissible in the strategies used to achieve the intended learning outcomes.
Solutions for compassionately meeting student learning and engagement expectations could include, for example, converting previously planned face-to-face lessons to online learning modules or assigning additional outside readings or other out-of-class assignments in lieu of planned in-class activities canceled due to the storm. I defer to you in making the best decisions for your courses.
I know some of you are dealing with difficult personal circumstances while trying to support students, colleagues and loved ones facing tough situations. I encourage you to consult with your department chairs, school directors and the incredibly helpful staff in the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning to identify creative and appropriate solutions to meet these requirements in our current context.
You have my deepest gratitude and respect for the professionalism and grace you are displaying in yet another challenging chapter for our community. Thank you for all you do to make UCF a continuing example of resilience and excellence.
Oct 26, 2022
For Faculty: Next Steps for Post-Storm Academic Adjustments