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Georgiopoulos Reappointed Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science

I am pleased to announce the reappointment of Michael Georgiopoulos for five years as dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS).

Since becoming dean in 2013, he has been instrumental in boosting the college’s excellence in research and in producing top talent for Florida’s high-tech economy. The college’s research funding has more than doubled while enrollment and graduates have increased significantly, accompanied by notable fundraising successes. The home to UCF’s powerhouse student cyber defense and programming teams, CECS produces the most engineering and computer science graduates in Florida and is among the top 10 nationally.

Dean Georgiopoulos has fostered strong ties with industry to develop programs and partnerships that drive innovation and meet essential state workforce needs. The college plays a key role in UCF being the nation’s leading provider of talent to the aerospace and defense industries. I look forward to seeing even greater impact as we strive to be Florida’s premier engineering and technology university.

Dean Georgiopoulos’ reappointment follows a 5-year performance analysis informed by feedback from constituents across the college, campus, and community. I am grateful for their input.

Please join me in wishing Dean Georgiopoulos continued success.