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Strategic Investments in SpaceU

Space has been part of UCF’s DNA since our university’s founding to support the ambitious goal of landing humans on the moon.

This legacy, along with our focus on developing the research and workforce to support our state’s economy, has made us the nation’s leading talent supplier for the aerospace and defense industry. Thanks to the dedication of our faculty and the legacy we have built together, we have earned our place as America’s Space University.

Two recent faculty hires continue to fuel UCF’s momentum as SpaceU, expanding our excellence in space research and driving our impact in discovery and innovation.

Dr. Greg Autry, an author, entrepreneur, and space policy expert, joined UCF as associate provost for Space Commercialization and Strategy. Based in the College of Business Administration as a professor of practice, Dr. Autry is collaborating with colleges, academic leaders, and our incredible space faculty to bolster industry ties and help shape our space strategy. He will also lead a new business research initiative and efforts to create space-related commercial executive and MBA programs to support Florida’s space economy.

Dr. Emmanuel Urquieta, associate professor of medicine and vice chair of aerospace medicine in the College of Medicine, expands our research on how spaceflight affects humans. An international space medicine expert, Dr. Urquieta is creating space medicine training for students across UCF ─ including in medicine, nursing, engineering, computer science, optics, and photonics ─ to foster a new class of medical experts who can keep space travelers healthy.

Building on Our Excellence

Strategic investments in UCF’s industry-aligned strengths help to unleash potential across our university. These hires stem from the more than $75 million in state investment over the past three years to support UCF’s growth as Florida’s Premier Engineering and Technology University.

This investment allows us to add more than 200 faculty in areas of growing impact across our state, such as artificial intelligence, energy, semiconductors, cybersecurity, simulation, optics and photonics, and, of course, space.

This is a case where rising water ─ in reputation and investment growth ─ is lifting the entire university. And it would not be possible without faculty committed to interdisciplinary collaboration and seizing opportunity to work with our region’s dynamic industries.

What sets UCF apart from others is our commitment to turn bold dreams into reality. I am deeply grateful for the faculty and staff who help us achieve greatness.

Thank you for all you do for our students, for each other, and for our university.

Let’s continue to reach for the stars.