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College of Engineering and Computer Science

3 UCF Researchers Receive Department of Defense Grants

Three UCF researchers working on different projects have been awarded a total of about $1.3 million from the Department of Defense. The grants were part of the DOD awarding of $50 million to 85 institutions across the nation in the Fiscal Year 2021 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program. The recipients and their projects are: Ayman…

UCF Student Places 2nd at National Cybersecurity Competition

Michael Roberts ’19 took second place at this year’s U.S. Department of Energy’s CyberForce Competition, held virtually Nov. 14. “Each individual competitor needed to possess the knowledge and skills and perform all the work typically spread among a six-member team.”— Tom Nedorost Due to the pandemic, this year’s CyberForce competition shifted from an in-person test…

Doctoral Students Recognized for Aerospace Research

Two UCF doctoral candidates are being recognized for their efforts in advancing human space exploration. NASA awarded Yuen Yee Li Sip a three-year fellowship to support her research project on improving the durability of metals in space, and Elizabeth Barrios was recently honored by the Space Education and Outreach Committee of the International Astronautical Federation…

The Benefits of Discovery Through International Collaboration

When astronauts had their first glimpse of Earth from space, the effect it had on them was more than just visual. They described an intense state of self-transcendent awe, wonder and oneness, called the “overview effect.” Heading to space was not an option for me at the time, so the change in worldview that I…

Re-examining Gratitude During a Difficult Year

The pandemic has brought great uncertainty, changed our opportunity to interact with loved ones and has affected millions of jobs. While 2020 has been a trying time, which will likely impact the next few years of our lives, some would suggest it’s even more important now than ever to be thankful for what you have.…

UCF Researchers Identify Features That Could Make Someone a Virus Super-Spreader

New research from the University of Central Florida has identified physiological features that could make people super-spreaders of viruses such as COVID-19. In a study appearing this month in the journal Physics of Fluids, researchers in UCF’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering used computer-generated models to numerically simulate sneezes in different types of people and determine associations…

UCF Wins TechConnect Defense Innovation Award

Every year UCF takes technologies developed on campus to the national TechConnect Conference for exposure and this year one of them earned one of the top awards of the conference. The 2020 TechConnect Defense Innovation Award is a recognition for a technology that removes more than 90 percent of pollutants from engine exhaust at low…

UCF Project Will Study Smart Tech to Improve Risk Communication in Central Florida

University of Central Florida researchers are leading an interdisciplinary project to help communities use artificial intelligence and smart technologies to bounce back from disasters quickly. The project is funded by a recently announced $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation as part of its Smart and Connected Communities program. The three-year project will examine…

UCF Scroll and Quill Society Welcomes 14 Faculty Inductees for 2020

Each fall, the university recognizes faculty who have made a national and international impact through their research, teaching and service, by inducting new members into the Scroll and Quill Society. What started as two different prestigious faculty clubs in the 1980s is now a recognition program for faculty of all disciplines. “This society is a…

UCF Researcher Is Working to Extend Battery Life in Smartphones, Electric Cars

AUniversity of Central Florida researcher is working to make portable devices and electric vehicles stay charged longer by extending the life of the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries powering them. Assistant Professor Yang Yang is doing this by making the batteries more efficient, with some of his latest work focusing on keeping an internal metal structure, the…

UCF Students Win $5,000 at Inaugural ‘HSI Battle of the Brains’ Competition

Business and Engineering & Computer Science Colleges Team Up to Compete Eight UCF students earned a $5,000 scholarship with their award-winning plan to keep college students engaged in extracurricular activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. UCF College of Business students Armando Barrial, Tomas Daza, Maria Pacheco Naranjo, Karen Ortiz and UCF College of Engineering & Computer…

UCF Partners with Adobe to Personalize Reading Experiences for Students, Adults

The increase in remote work and e-learning sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic means more people are reading in digital formats, from eye-straining, small-text documents to PDFs that have embedded pictures and graphics. But there’s a bigger problem – the technology doesn’t lend itself easily to help enhance reading speed or comprehension. Other than being able…

UCF Researchers Are Working on Tech So Machines Can Thermally ‘Breathe’

In the era of electric cars, machine learning and ultra-efficient vehicles for space travel, computers and hardware are operating faster and more efficiently. But this increase in power comes with a trade-off: They get superhot. To counter this, University of Central Florida researchers are developing a way for large machines to “breathe” in and out…

Where Artificial Intelligence Meets Urban Planning

Before you ever step into a new coffee shop, years of urban planning have gone into building that brick-and-mortar building in your neighborhood. Urban planning is a multi-faceted discipline in which planners collect data points from targeted areas to determine if a store, hospital or other types of buildings are likely needed in that area.…

New National Security Partnership Benefits Florida’s State University System, Talent Pipeline

Anew partnership between the State University System of Florida, the Florida Defense Alliance and the National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) gives students real-world opportunities to develop innovative solutions to national security challenges, strengthening the talent pipeline for government and industry. NSIN is a program of the U.S. Department of Defense and a problem-solving network that adapts to the emerging needs…

AI Can Detect COVID-19 in the Lungs Like a Virtual Physician, New Study Shows

AUniversity of Central Florida researcher is part of a new study showing that artificial intelligence can be nearly as accurate as a physician in diagnosing COVID-19 in the lungs. The study, recently published in Nature Communications, shows the new technique can also overcome some of the challenges of current testing. Researchers demonstrated that an AI algorithm…