The campus community is invited to open forums Sept. 10-13 for four finalists seeking to be UCF’s next professor and vice provost for Teaching and Learning and Dean of the College of Undergraduate Studies.
The forums, which were rescheduled in anticipation of Hurricane Dorian, will be held Tuesday through Friday, Sept. 10-13, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the UCF Global Building. Each forum will feature a presentation by a candidate on student success followed by questions and answers with the audience. During their visits, candidates also will meet with students, faculty, administrators, and other key stakeholders.
The 13-member search committee is co-chaired by Dr. Jeffery Stout, professor and director for the School of Kinesiology and Physical Therapy, and Dr. RoSusan Bartee, professor and chair for Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education. The new vice provost and dean will join UCF in January.
“This is a national search and we are pleased to bring four outstanding candidates to campus,” Stout said. “The open forums are an opportunity for members of the UCF community to hear from the candidates and offer feedback to Provost Elizabeth A. Dooley.”
The Division of Teaching and Learning builds partnerships across UCF to enhance student learning outcomes, support faculty development, and offer academic experiences that take learning beyond the classroom. The units in the division include Academic Advancement Programs, EXCEL, Experiential Learning, the Karen L. Smith Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, Undergraduate Research, Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising, Quality Enhancement Plan, and UCF Abroad.
The College of Undergraduate Studies provides students with robust and individualized courses of study that include a bachelor of arts and bachelor of science in Interdisciplinary Studies; bachelor of arts, Interdisciplinary Studies, Diversity Studies Track; bachelor of science in Environmental Studies, and bachelor of Integrative General Studies. The college also engages with UCF’s colleges and units in their curricular planning, collaborates with faculty curricular oversight, works with faculty and administrators to assure the strength of university-wide programs and advocates for an undergraduate education that offers UCF students an outstanding learning experience. See the job description here.
More information on the finalists and their forum dates and webcasts can be found below. Your feedback is important to this process. Surveys should be completed within 24 hours of each forum.

See the initial announcement to the campus community about the search.