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The Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs supports the inclusion of faculty, staff and students in university decision-making and promotes awareness of opportunities for stakeholder input.

In the spirit of shared governance, below are standing committees and other groups of university-wide scope that engage faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders in addressing key campus issues, projects, initiatives and policies.

For more about these committees and groups, click on the related links. If you know of other university-wide committees that should be noted here, please alert our office or provide details on the committee that should be included or updated.

About Title Contact Responsible Group

Academic Calendar Committee

The Academic Calendar Committee makes recommendations regarding the academic calendar to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.

Robin Back

Faculty Senate

Admissions and Standards Committee

The Admissions and Standards Committee considers appeals of admissions and readmissions of undergraduate students. The  committee also considers appeals of decisions concerning administrative record changes made by the College of Undergraduate Studies for undergraduate students and the College of Graduate Studies for graduate students.

Mark Gumble

Faculty Senate

Advising Leadership Council

The Advising Leadership Council (ALC) provides leadership and direction for UCF’s academic advising community and partners with university leaders on advising-related student success efforts. The ALC ensures advising standards that support student success are applied across the colleges, the Knights Major Exploration and Transition Center and partners. Further, the ALC establishes priorities for the academic advising community as they pertain to student success, retention and graduation efforts.

Lee Anne Kirkpatrick

Student Success and Advising

Advisory Committee (Faculty Excellence)

The committee provides input, recommendations and feedback on various Faculty Excellence initiatives to strengthen UCF faculty and assist Faculty Excellence in fulfilling its quest. Membership includes full‐time faculty members of all ranks and types (e.g., tenured, tenure-earning, and non-tenure earning including instructors and lecturers, librarians, instructional designers, research and clinical) selected through an application process.

Jana Jasinski

Faculty Excellence

Behavioral Assessment and Response Team

This multidisciplinary team assesses and addresses issues relating to potential and pending acts or threats of violence or disruption at UCF.

Carl Metzger

UCF Police Department

Budget and Administrative Committee

The Budget and Administrative Committee evaluates and recommends policies and procedures concerning the university budget with special emphasis on the academic budget. The committee also makes recommendations on any administrative procedure that affects faculty members in the performance of their work.

Keri Watson

Faculty Senate

Campus Safety and Security Committee

This committee evaluates and recommends policies concerning campus safety and security that will foster a mutually beneficial environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors in the university community.

Abdul-Akeem Sadiq

Faculty Senate

Central Support Unit Allocation Committee

Appointed by and serving at the discretion of the president, the Central Support Unit Allocation Committee (CSUAC) was formed in November 2020 as a companion group to the University Budget Committee (UBC) to support the implementation and ongoing success of UCF’s incentive-based budget model. Chaired by Interim Provost Michael Johnson and Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Gerald Hector, it is an advisory committee that makes recommendations to the UBC regarding central support unit (CSU) budget and cost allocations.

Gerald Hector

Administration and Finance

COACHE Committees

Faculty Excellence utilizes the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) survey every three years. There are two committees comprised of faculty to identify the priorities and strategies to address the priorities outlined by the COACHE data.

Jana Jasinski

Faculty Excellence

Commencements, Convocations, and Recognitions Committee

The Commencements, Convocations, and Recognitions Committee makes recommendations to the president and provost and vice president for Academic Affairs regarding commencements, convocations, awards, honorary degrees, emeritus status, and other forms of recognition.

Dawn Oetjen

Faculty Senate

Community ReEngagement and Educational Development (CREED) Program

The Community ReEngagement and Educational Development (CREED) Program reviews the disciplinary probation or suspension status of students as requested under university policy. Group members are appointed by the director of the Office of Student Conduct or the director’s designee. Membership includes an equal number of faculty, staff and students.

Michael Gilmer

Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Compliance and Ethics Advisory Committee

The Compliance and Ethics Advisory Committee was established to assist the chief compliance and ethics officer in the development of a comprehensive compliance and ethics program and mitigation of compliance and ethical risks at UCF. The purpose of the committee is to ensure consistent communication and development of compliance and ethics programs across the university. The committee members are charged with promoting a culture of ethics, accountability and compliance at UCF.

Rhonda Bishop

University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Office

Data Governance Council

The members of the Data Governance Council are responsible for the governance, strategy, and priorities of UCF data governance program.

Linda Sullivan

Analytics and Integrated Planning

Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee

The Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee recommends to the vice president for Administration and Finance policies and programs that revise the benefits provided to faculty and staff.

Anna Valdes

Faculty Senate

Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee

The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Center director on professional improvement and instructional research activities that will enhance teaching and learning excellence and improve assessment and evaluation in all learning environments.

Camilla Ambivero

Faculty Senate

General Undergraduate Requirements Committee

The Undergraduate Common Program Oversight Committee provides oversight of courses and alternative plans to fulfill the General Education Program, diversity and technology requirements, as well as other program requirements common to all undergraduate students.

Elena Flitsiyan

Faculty Senate

Golden Rule Review Committee

The Golden Rule Review Committee is charged with making recommendations for updating UCF’s Golden Rule student handbook. Seven student members are appointed by the student body president and the vice president for Student Development and Enrollment Services. Meetings are open to faculty, students, staff and university administration.

Brandon Greenaway

Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Graduate Appeals Committee

The Graduate Appeals Committee hears petitions from graduate students and applicants for variances from graduate program requirements.

Crystal Maraj

Faculty Senate

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council reports graduate and curriculum matters to the Faculty Senate on a monthly basis. The four committees of the council conduct business.

Lisa Martino

Faculty Senate

Graduate Curriculum Committee

The Graduate Curriculum Committee reviews issues related to graduate education, including proposals for creating, revising and deleting graduate programs, certificates, tracks and courses.

Nan Yu

Faculty Senate

Graduate Policy Committee

The Policy Committee examines and recommends new policies and procedures or changes to existing ones regarding graduate education.

Lisa Martino

Faculty Senate

Graduate Program Review and Awards Committee

The committee provides guidance to the vice president for Research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies about the quality of graduate programs and reviews nominees for graduate teaching and mentoring awards

Reid Oetjen

Faculty Senate

Greek Expansion Committee

The 11-member expansion committee deals with all matters pertaining to the expansion of UCF’s Greek community or the replacement of any group that is no longer active.

Danielle Aming

Fraternity & Sorority Life

Information Technology Committee

The Information Technology Committee assists in determining and evaluating faculty technology needs and general policies; reviews changes to educational media and communications; and advises on the university and faculty needs and interests in developing information technology resources to enhance the campus environment for teaching, learning, research, and other scholarly activities and service.

Glenn Martin

Faculty Senate

Institutional Biosafety Committee

Seeks to achieve a comprehensive health and safety program that effectively trains, communicates, and implements safe work practices to reduce or eliminate any risk of working with biological hazards.

Laurence Vonkalm

Office of Research

Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board consists of a committee established to advocate for the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants involved in research. The IRB evaluates proposals for new research and conducts reviews of on-going research to ensure that the Guiding Ethical Principles for human subject protection are met. Board members are a diverse group of research and on-research related faculty members and community members.

Kiminobu Sugaya

Office of Research

Institutional Safety Council

Serves as an advisory resource for the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, providing guidance and recommendations on a comprehensive campus-wide safety program.

Renee Michel

Administration and Finance

Laboratory Safety Committee

Educates and promotes open communication among all constituencies regarding the implementation of safe work practices.

Steven Duranceau

Office of Research

Library Advisory Committee

The Library Advisory Committee provides advice to the Libraries concerning materials and services needed by faculty and students in their teaching and research endeavors.

Amanda Walden

Faculty Senate

Parking Citation Appeals Committee

The Parking Citation Appeals Committee is defined by UCF Regulation 6.007. This committee has jurisdiction over violations of the university’s parking regulations.  In those cases heard before it, this committee renders decisions adjudicating guilt and imposes appropriate monetary or restrictive penalties. Go to Appeal a Citation to file an appeal.

Jonathan Varnell

Administration and Finance

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee studies and recommends academic personnel policy and standards, including university-wide promotion and tenure criteria, along with procedures to evaluate administrators and department chairs.

Karol Lucken

Faculty Senate

Radiation Safety Committee

Determines policy for UCF’s radiation safety program. Advances the highest standards in training, communication, and implementation of protective procedures to eliminate the risk of working with radiation.

Debopam Chakrabarti

Office of Research

Research Conflict of Interest Committee

This committee reviews and make decisions regarding disclosures of potential conflicts of interest in research and sponsored programs. Committee members help UCF meet federal and state compliance requirements and to ensure the integrity of the university’s research and development programs in accordance with university policies.

Doug Backman

Office of Research

Research Council

The Research Council recommends policies regarding research activities, facilities, personnel, and patents.

Linda Walters

Faculty Senate

Scholarship Appeal Committee

The committee reviews student appeals regarding scholarships and decides whether to approve or deny. Committee members are senior faculty and staff members from throughout the university. The committee is chaired by the executive director of the Office of Student Financial Assistance.

Alicia Keaton

Office of Student Financial Assistance

Staff Council

The Staff Council’s mission is to build communication, trust and integrity within our diverse community.

Cissy Glowth

Staff Council

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee acts on behalf of the Faculty Senate on emergency matters, considers resolutions from Senate committees for forwarding to the full Senate, develops Faculty Senate agendas, and, when requested, serves as an advisory body to the president and the provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs.

Stephen King

Faculty Senate

Strategic Planning Council

The Strategic Planning Council recommends to provost and vice president for Academic Affairs policies to support the university’s strategic planning process, including academic planning, institutional effectiveness, accountability, budget planning, and student services.


Faculty Senate

Student Success and Well-being Persistence Committee

The committee promotes and coordinates the delivery of the right support to the right student at the right time to ensure that all students (FTICs and transfers) who start at UCF finish at UCF.

Paul Dosal

Student Success and Well-Being

Student Success and Well-being Steering Committee

The committee’s mission is to unleash the power of collaboration and collective wisdom by bringing together student success administrators and experts from all colleges and units to accelerate the university’s progress toward preeminence and Association of American Universities-caliber performance.

Paul Dosal

Student Success and Well-Being

Student Success Council

The council makes recommendations to the senior vice president for Student Success and other relevant committees, units and individuals on programs, initiatives and policies, including admission policies, relating to the success and well-being of our students.

Tina Chiarelli

Faculty Senate

Sustainability Working Advisory Teams

The teams concentrate on Buildings & Energy will report on university building goals including, but not limited to, the Green Office Certification program, EPEAT Purchasing Policy, cleaning policies, room scheduling, occupant comfort via surveying. They will also report on the university energy goals including, but not limited to, energy procurement, efficiency, conservation, production, security, resilience and storage.

Nathaniel Boyd

Office of the President

Technology Fee Committee

Reviews and awards technology fee grants to enhance instructional technology resources for students and faculty.

Hank Glaspie


Textbook Committee

The University Bookstore Advisory Committee advises the bookstore management concerning materials and services needed by all segments of the university community.

Eric Schmidbauer

Faculty Senate

UCF Finance Corporation

The UCF Finance Corporation was created by the University Board of Trustees. The corporation is used as a vehicle to facilitate select future financings where there would be no need for the corporation to be involved in the operations of the whatever entity was the beneficiary of the financing.

Gerald Hector

Administration and Finance

UCF Rising

UCF Rising is a program of individual projects and initiatives aligned with the Collective Impact goal of increasing research awards to $250 million annually by 2020.

Winston Schoenfeld

Office of Research

Undergraduate Course Review Committee

The Undergraduate Course Committee reviews all undergraduate course additions, revisions or deletions and special topics course requests.

Tina Chiarelli

Faculty Senate

Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee

The Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee reviews and provides recommendations on undergraduate policies, instruction, standards and university-wide undergraduate degree requirements.

Jeffrey Kauffman

Faculty Senate

Undergraduate Research Council

The Undergraduate Research Council provides leadership and direction for the UCF undergraduate research community.

Natalia Leal Toro

Undergraduate Research

University Athletics Advisory Committee

The University Athletics Advisory Committee serves as an advisory and recommending body for intercollegiate athletics on policies and procedures that relate specifically to student-athlete welfare and academic progress.

Manoj Chopra

Faculty Senate

University Budget Committee

Appointed by and serving at the discretion of the president, the University Budget Committee is an advisory group responsible for making recommendations for stewarding, optimizing and investing UCF’s financial resources in ways that strategically advance the goals and mission of the university.

Gerald Hector

Administration and Finance

University Honors Committee

The University Honors Committee recommends to the dean of the Burnett Honors College policies and plans for the college.

Sheila Amin

Faculty Senate

University Master Planning Committee

The University Master Planning Committee recommends to the vice president for Administration and Finance short- and long-range issues related to land use, facilities planning, and future development of the campus, taking into account the protection and preservation of natural resources on the campus.

Michelle Dusseau

Faculty Senate

University Parking and Transportation Committee

The University Parking and Transportation Committee recommends to the vice president for Administration and Finance regulations governing traffic and parking on the UCF campus.

Terry Wheeler

Faculty Senate

University Policies and Procedures Committee

The University Policies and Procedures Committee is a committee designated and appointed by the president to act as the central body for making recommendations regarding the creation, updating, and management of university policies. The committee includes the chief compliance and ethics officer, the chief human resources officer or his or her designee and other representatives appointed by the president. The chief compliance and ethics officer serves as the committee chair.

Rhonda Bishop

University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Office

University Sick Leave Pool Committee

The committee oversees the sick leave pools at the university and makes recommendations to the sick leave pool administrator to accept or reject requests for using sick pools resources.


Benton Anderson

Human Resources

University Space Committee

This committee is charged with overseeing and maintaining best practices for use of space throughout UCF under the guidance of the Space Administration office.

Christy Miranda Perez

UCF Space Administration

University Travel Awards Committee

The University Travel Awards Committee makes recommendations to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs regarding special travel awards to faculty.

Sharon Wang

Faculty Senate