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UCF is an emerging preeminent university in the State University System of Florida that is dedicated to reaching preeminence and also in finishing among the top three institutions in state performance funding each year.

On Nov. 11, 2018, Provost Dooley assembled the Preeminence and Performance-based Funding (P2S) Executive Team to help UCF achieve these objectives.

Team Charge and Key Issues

The team is focused on the 22 target metrics (12 for preeminence, 10 for performance-based funding) associated with attaining the designations. Team members explore initiatives, identify insights, encourage innovations and track results.

Meetings take place as called.

Team Members

Name Department Email
Paige Borden (Operational lead) Associate Provost and Chief Analytics Officer
Julie Benson Assistant VP for Advancement, Regional and University-Wide Initiatives Development, UCF Foundation Inc.
Melody Bowdon Associate Vice Provost for Student Learning and Academic Success and Associate Dean, College of Undergraduate Studies
Maribeth Ehasz Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services
Michael Georgiopoulos Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Jana Jasinski Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence
Lisa Jones Associate Provost for Strategy
Elizabeth Klonoff Vice President for Research and Dean of the College of Graduate Studies